Executive Roundtable on Current and Emerging HR Issues
Share and discuss pressing issues and hot topics with fellow HR leaders and take away actionable ideas.
- 1:00 PM
This Executive Roundtable will serve as a virtual huddle for HR leaders from UWEBC member companies to have candid discussions about current and emerging HR issues and challenges. Participants can gain valuable insights and actionable ideas based on the experiences and approaches of other HR leaders.
This will be a highly interactive event and Doug Barton, UWEBC's Director, will facilitate the discussions.
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Agenda Items
12:00 PM | Welcome and Opening Remarks |
12:10 PM | Executive Roundtable Discussion |
12:55 PM | Wrap Up |
1:00 PM | Adjourn |
Additional Information
Location: ZoomContact: Events Team, events@uwebc.wisc.edu