CBP Priority Trade Issues
Uncover what you need to know about the current CBP Priority Trade Issues and the high-risk areas that could affect your import program.
- 2:00 PM
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The health and safety of our members is the UWEBC’s top priority. UW–Madison is monitoring the COVID-19 situation in collaboration with local, state and federal agencies. Based on campus' guidance, this meeting will be held via web only to allow our members a convenient and safe way to attend.
Per the CBP: Priority Trade Issues (PTIs) represent high-risk areas that can cause significant revenue loss, harm the our economy and threaten the health and safety of the American people. They drive risk-informed investment of CBP resources and enforcement and facilitation efforts, including the selection of audit candidates, special enforcement operations, outreach, and regulatory initiatives. At this meeting we will host CBP agents to give their outlook on current trade initiatives as follows:
Kelsey Murphy, Senior Compliance Counsel from Modine Manufacturing will speak to 232/301 tariff trends and expectations from an importer/exporter point of view. Both Kelsey and CBP will take questions after their presentations.
Participate in Customizing the Agenda: Help shape our presentation content – and maximize its relevance for you – by suggesting topics of interest when you register.
Agenda Items
12:00 PM | Welcome and Introductions |
12:05 PM | Customs and Border Patrol Presentation |
1:00 PM | Kelsey Murphy Presentation |
1:30 PM | Q&A/Discussion |
2:00 PM | Adjourn |
Additional Information
Location: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/92228523012?pwd=SlBreFpuY2x5OXZFZUttbytXY1hGQT09Contact: Events Team, events@uwebc.wisc.edu