Nearshoring, Re-shoring, and Friend-shoring Strategies

Discuss successes and challenges with nearshoring and re-shoring sourcing strategies with fellow UWEBC members

- 12:00 PM


Between higher ocean rates and new import tariffs, many companies have spent the last several years exploring whether to "re-shore" (source goods from a new country of origin) or "nearshore" (source goods specifically from North America) to save lead-time and/or costs. With the October 1 east coast port strike - and recent news that a tentative agreement has been reached - this question of re-shoring and nearshoring is again being explored in many supply chains.

We will hear from Tereza Pontigo at OPT Supply Chain Solutions, a supply chain consultant who works with companies on near-shoring strategies, specifically in Mexico.

Join fellow UWEBC member companies in sharing approaches to re-shoring/nearshoring efforts, successful examples, and barriers to change in the global sourcing market.

Participate in Customizing the Agenda: If you have a success story to share on this topic or a burning question you'd like to have covered, please contact Jenny Patzlaff to be part of our Member Spotlight Panel. This will be a highly interactive session so come prepared to share your questions, challenges and insights!

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Agenda Items

9:00 AM Welcome and Opening Remarks
  Jenny Patzlaff - Supply Chain Practice Director, UWEBC
9:15 AM Expert Spotlight: Re-shoring to Mexico
  Tereza Pontigo – Consultant, OPT Supply Chain Solutions
10:15 AM Breakout Discussions - Discuss and Apply
  All Participants
11:00 AM Debrief on Breakout Discussions
11:10 AM Wrap Up
  Jenny Patzlaff - Supply Chain Practice Director, UWEBC
11:15 AM "Soft" Adjourn (Open Networking Time)

Additional Information

Location: Zoom
Contact: Events Team,